
Toward Reconciliation (Discourse Media)
How governments, institutions, communities and individuals are responding to the challenges of reconciliation

Indigenous Reporting Fund (Ricochet)
Provides a bilingual and national platform for Indigenous voices

(Globe & Mail)
How five indigenous women became the targets of serial killers: A Globe investigation

A TV voice for largely ignored Indigenous Canadians (NYT)
A profile of the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network

My journey of reconciliation (Toronto Star)
Toronto Mayor John Tory visited the Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug and Bearskin Lake First Nations communities. He came back a better citizen and a better leader

Gord Downie closing the circle with Secret Path project
(Toronto Star)
Downie teaches Canada about 12-year-old Chanie Wenjack and the legacy of the residential school system

Aboriginal or Indigenous?
(CBC News)
A collective noun for the original inhabitants of Canada a challenge since Columbus

Aboriginal journalists are turning to crowdfunding
Maureen Googoo used crowdfunding to start her own news organization covering Aboriginal issues in Atlantic Canada

Ugly stain on Canada’s aboriginal record (Toronto Star)
Unbeknownst to most Canadians, government officials kept trying to assimilate aboriginal children in their lifetime

How journalism failed aboriginal Canadians (iPolitics)
Political writer Jeff Sallot wonders why journalists have done such a lousy job covering aboriginal affairs