Dodem Kanonhsa
Dodem Kanonhsa is a space for learning and fostering greater acceptance and understanding between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples. They have a list of elders who do outreach work for a per diem donation and can speak on a variety of cultural topics. Attendance in this workshop is strongly recommended before meeting with an Elder/Traditional Resource Person. This workshop is designed to introduce basic knowledge of the worldview of Indigenous peoples as well as spiritual and cultural values and highlight historical and contemporary issues that influence communities. Participants will be introduced to protocols and practices related to meeting with an Elder/TRP, attending ceremonies, and will have the opportunity to learn the meaning and practice of smudging, preparing a tobacco tie and can ask ANY question in a safe learning environment.
CONTACT: 55 St. Clair Ave East, 6th Floor, Toronto, M6H 3R9, T: 416.952.9272, Email: dodemkanonhsa@aandc-aadnc.gc.ca

Native Canadian Centre of Toronto
Native Canadian Centre of Toronto delivers programs and services to urban Native people and shares with non-Native interest groups. They are in process of hiring a community outreach director responsible for working with non-Native groups like Ryerson.
CONTACT: General inquiries: reception@ncct.on.ca, Cultural department: michael.etherington@ncct.on.ca, T: 416.964.9087

Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto
Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto provides programs under six categories: housing, families, advocacy, employment, education and youth. They also hold cultural activities open to the public.
CONTACT: General inquiries: info@nwrct.ca, 191 Gerrard St. E, T: 416.963.9963, x221 or x201.

Na-me-res is a safe space for Aboriginal men to learn new skills and live healthy lives on or off the streets. Staff members are trained to assist with housing and provide outreach services and skills development.
Administration Office – 26 Vaughn Road, Toronto M6G 2C4, T: 416.651.6750
Media Contact: John Wabegijik, Admin Officer, T: 416.651.6750 x2228,
Email: admin@nameres.org